August 12, 2009

Congratulations Eddie & Tanya!!!

8.8.09 My big bro and sis became one!!! I wanted to give a shout out to the new Mr. and Mrs. Ford!!! Check this out...


Ian D. said...

#1 who's on the mic?
#2 that looks like the James Hall shuffle(ask eric)
#3 edward was gettin it real quick

Ian D. said...

#1 who's on the mic?
#2 that looks like the James Hall shuffle(ask eric)
#3 edward was gettin it real quick

Girls are dime, Women are dimer! said...

1. On the mic: Candace- she went to BC with them

2. LOL 2 the James Hall shuffle... Eric just showed me what it looks like

3. That He was... That He was...

Ian D. said...

1. it shoulda either been Ian or eric on the mic.
2. James hal shuffle.... memories memories....goes hard in the paint!